Journey Through Change: Overcoming Anxiety & Navigating Your Authentic Path

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by life’s changes? 

‘Journey Through Change’ is a transformative guide to managing anxiety and embracing the unpredictable nature of life.

This empowering book provides practical strategies to help you navigate transitions with courage, build resilience, and cultivate inner peace. 

Whether it’s a career shift, a relationship change, or a personal transformation, this book equips you with the tools to cope and thrive in the face of uncertainty. 

Embrace change with confidence and reclaim control over your life’s narrative. It’s time to embark on a journey towards a more resilient, empowered you.

To have a sneak peak at what Journey Through Change: Overcoming Anxiety & Navigating Your Authentic Path has to offer, click here.

Available in E-book format only.

Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom of Flowers

Peacock Dreaming The Wisdom of Flowers

In times of inner turmoil – or when you need some extra guidance and support – Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom of Flowers helps you develop, nurture, and trust your intuition, steering you toward discovering new insights and greater awareness on this journey through life.

Prefaced by the story of the antics of the author’s pair of peacocks and the dream that led to the book’s eventual birth, it contains 42 beautifully captured photographs of flowers and plants from the South Island of New Zealand. Each image invites you to meditate on its unique attributes and discover the learnings and insights that arise from your intuition and subconscious.

While each image accompanies inspirational writing, you can explore and interpret for yourself. Here’s the opportunity to look within and develop your intuition as you take your personal journey into The Wisdom of Flowers.

Peacock Dreaming:  The Wisdom Of Flowers is an award-winning book honoured with the B.R.A.G. Medallion.

To have a sneak peak at what Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom Of Flowers has to offer, click here.

Available in E-book and Perfect Soft Cover Edition