The Peacock Dreaming Studio

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

Each and every one of us is born with the gift of intuition or knowingness which many of us abandon in favour of being accepted by others.

As humans, we are constantly learning and modifying our behaviours. As children, we learn that certain behaviours attract punishment or ridicule. As teenagers, we learn that in order to be accepted by our peers we have to be a part of the collective. As adults, we learn that if we don’t align with the protocols and ideologies of our employers, the opportunities for advancement are slim.

Shutting Down

To protect yourself from punishment or ridicule, have you ever ‘shut down’ a part of yourself that others don’t accept? Have you stopped listening to your gut feeling in favour of listening to the guidance given by other people?

When we stop honouring who we are in every sense, and when we ignore ourselves (our needs and desires), we don’t thrive. We struggle.

And sometimes, after many years, when we try to come back to ourselves; to figure out what makes us happy and healthy; it feels like there is a void.

Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

While there may be a sense of emptiness and confusion as you try to rediscover yourself, your body holds the key to unlocking the mystery!

When we don’t honour ourselves or focus on pleasing others without taking our own needs into account, deep-rooted feelings are judged before being dismissed and buried.

There’s No Hiding

You can keep avoiding those feelings that surface. And you can keep denying to yourself and others that you are unhappy. However, the body stores the buried memories and feelings and for many, this can lead to physical dis-ease and distress (whether it’s in the form of physical or mental illness).

Here’s How I Can Help you

Being a very strong clairsentient person who feels the emotions and areas in the body where there is physical distress and a healing facilitator, I’m able to walk beside you as you stand at your personal crossroads.

Your Empowerment is Crucial

My role is not to tell you what you’re feeling or experiencing.

During our sessions together, I hold space for you as I describe to you the emotions and information I’m picking up on – whether it be during an aromatherapy treatment, a remedial massage, an energy healing or a psychic mediumship reading.

Some clients feel a need to talk about the events around those feelings. Others prefer to just sit with them quietly. As this happens, I continue to feel and employ a broad range of healing tools to promote balance.

This Work Takes Courage

It’s scary to confront the feelings you’ve packed away for years. The feelings that arise can feel like a tsunami. But as the storm subsides, clarity reveals itself.

And no, these sessions are not for everyone, particularly those people who are currently going through treatment for chronic mental health traumas. However, I’m happy to work with and be guided by your health professional where possible.